Of the names on this list, I see Fisher as the least likely. Steelers may finally consider FisherĪ name that has been attached to the Steelers for most of the offseason, Eric Fisher is becoming more of a possibility after the first two preseason games. Here are five free-agent linemen the Steelers need to consider. No, signing all of these names and starting them isn’t a solution, but one or two of these names would help bring in some competition and push the rest of the roster. While expecting to find a capable starter this late in the offseason is a tough task, the team has to do something here. If this is how the line plays into the regular season, we will be in trouble. Players that need to take a jump haven’t, the unknowns are still struggling to make an impact, and even the more established names are looking lackluster. The Steelers have seen some positives from their team as of late in the preseason, but there has been a major issue with the team as a whole: the offensive line.
With back-to-back poor performances from the Steelers offensive line, any of these five free agents should be valid targets for the team.
I know it's a pipe dream to try and implement anything like this in Madden 08 PC or NCAA 06 PS2, but I think it would be interesting if we can do something to mod the way O-lineman and D-lineman react at the LOS.By Andrew Falce 2 months ago Follow Tweet When watching the NFL playoffs, it's clear to me that there are a ton of borderline false starts, situations where O-lineman move right as the ball is snapped, and it becomes a judgement call from the official as to whether to call it a false start or let the play go on. I think it would be cool to see the CPU QBs audible more often and try to draw you off at the line more. Against the CPU QBs, you never really have to worry about them hutting you into jumping offside. That's one of the benefits of playing against a human opponent, that you have to be aware of your opponent's cadence at the line. I also wonder if you can get the CPU QBs to do huts, so the CPU QB can have more of a real-life feel keeping me on my toes when I'm on defense controlling a D-lineman, trying to get me to jump me offsides.
I'm just wondering if this kind of thing happens in Madden 08 PC, or any of the other PC Maddens or PS2 Maddens. But I think it's possible to do in NCAA 06, but not very often, and when it happens like I said they just freeze there standing offside in my backfield until snap it. I know that the NCAA games implemented that jump the snap feature after NCAA 06, it was an interesting feature just not executed that great, but if I recall, as a result of that, in NCAA 07 and 08 maybe you could draw a D-lineman offsides more often from huts. I'm wondering how often that happens in Madden 08 PC and if you think certain D-lineman ratings would contribute to them biting when pressing the "hut" button before hiking it? Or maybe it has more to do with certain QB ratings that would make their cadence at the line more effective, perhaps certain QBs are more likely to draw D-lineman to jump offsides? You know how NFL teams sometimes come to the line on 4th and inches trying to draw the opponent offsides? Have you ever had success doing that and getting D-lineman to jump? Did you ever see that happen in Madden 08 PC? Very rarely will I get a CPU-controlled D-lineman to jump over by pressing the "hut" button, if ever, I can't remember the last time it happened but I vaguely remember it happening once upon a time, and the memory is that the CPU D-lineman jumped offside, ran right through my O-lineman, without touching him and not causing a whistle, only to stand there frozen in my backfield until I snapped it. I also would like to know how big of a role pressing the "hut" button repeatedly at the LOS causes players to jump early, either false starts or D-lineman jumping across the line. Have any of you who play Madden 08 PC seen a false start by a non-O-lineman like a WR? And aside from the penalty slider, which player ratings do you think contribute to players jumping early? Low Awareness I'm guessing could be a factor. I guess I could test this by ramping up the penalty slider for false starts, but I really don't want players to false start very often, though I think it would be interesting if we could make it so that every once in a while, like maybe once or twice per game a non-O-lineman false starts. But I can't recall if I ever seen a TE jump, or a FB, RB, or WR. From memory, in NCAA 06 at least, I can only remember seeing O-linemen false start, and I know there's a penalty slider for that. As I was watching the NFL playoffs, and saw a false start by a WR, I was thinking about NCAA 06 and Madden 08 PC and if this can happen in these games.