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It is a volume that contributes significantly to reference works on German cinema, European cinema, and cinematic history. "he carefully constructed essays in contribute to elevating this reference book so much more than its component parts could have achieved - much like German cinema itself. letzte folge

Knapp (University of Utah), special issue of SEMINAR on "Recent German Film" As a first-class reference work and a showcase of film criticism at its finest, the book deserves a wide readership." - Gerhard P. An index has been added: given the size of the anthology, this is an invaluable bonus for the reader.he introduction conveys many valid insights into the present state of German film studies and manages to launch the book on a very promising note.Within these parameters, the individual contributions live up to the editors' promise and offer fresh, often quite original insights.All in all, this is a remarkable anthology: surprisingly cohesive in the face of its diversity of topics/methodologies/strategies and extremely persuasive in arguing the editors' case for a more socially aware, politically 'engaged' re-orientation in German film studies. In addition to an introduction by the editors, this weighty tome contains forty-three articles/essays, thirty-six of which are reprints. "Among the recent anthologies on German film, Ginsberg/Thompson's project is by far the most ambitious one, both in size and in scope. letzte folge

These discusssions of dramas and documentaries, filmmakers, and aesthetic ideologies cover all aspects of German cinema, from its silent beginnings to the present day. In this, the first of the PERSPECTIVES volumes to treat national cinema, the editors have collected classic and newly commissioned essays and articles that address a wide range of historical issues, including the politics of gender and sexuality the Holocaust feminism and Nazi propaganda films. As German reunification has increased attention to German history and culture, scholarly output devoted to all phases of the history of German film has escalated rapidly. letzte folge