Airline tycoon deluxe box
Airline tycoon deluxe box

Other tasks, such as managing your stocks and improving your airline's image, involve multiple factors and are decidedly more complex. Many of the tasks are straightforward, such as hiring flight staff and advisors, bidding on and obtaining branch offices in other cities, and assigning regular routes in addition to irregularly scheduled independent flights (which carry higher premiums). The game offers two relatively short campaigns and a free-play game, all of which require that you master a wide variety of tasks in order to nurture your two-plane upstart into a minor empire. Following the lead of those games and titles such as Tom Clancy's and Roller Coaster Tycoon (and averting its eyes from the disastrous Airport Tycoon), Airline Tycoon puts you in charge of one of four fledgling airlines-Sunshine Airways, Falcon Lines, Phoenix Travel, or Honey Airlines. In recent years, Monte Cristo has created some small buzz with an innovative line of "management games" either developed or published by them, including titles such as Wall Street Trader 2000, Economic War, and Start-Up 2000.


Developed by Spellbound Software and published by Monte Cristo Multimedia, Airline Tycoon is the latest entry in this soon-to-be-saturated sub-genre.

Airline tycoon deluxe box